iOS Scholar's Blog

iOS Scholar's Blog

iOS Development Tutorials, Tips & Tricks and more


iOS Scholar's Blog - Introduction

iOS Scholar's Blog - An Introduction

The iSB Directory

With the release of iOS 7, Apple has marked a new beginning for it's already mature mobile OS technology and framework. There's a lot to discuss, a lot to learn, and that's what iOS Scholar will do for other iOS Scholars. It is a blog created to share knowledge. And since knowledge has a tendency to get doubled in the process of sharing, let's all be iOS Scholars - let's start and continue to learn how to develop cool applications for iPhone and iPad.

This particular post will be modified on a regular basis to include all the links to new posts and other updates - information about iOS Scholar's presence on social media, new video channels, any new ways to follow etc.

October 8, 2013
Added the iSB logo.

© 2013, UV Associates
All rights reserved

Lists of Posts

Lists of Posts in iOS Scholar's Blog

Tuples and Switch Statements in Swift Programming Language

Switch Statement in Swift Programming Language

Using Ranges, where clauses, and Tuples in Switch statements

Another Swift basics tutorial on iOS Scholar's Blog, where we discuss Tuples - an advanced data type in Swift and using Tuples in Switch statement, a combination which has some powerful pattern matching potential.

Swift Functions - Shorthand External, Default, Inout and Variable Parameters

Swift Functions: External Parameters and Default Parameters

Using hash for shorthand, modifying parameter values, reflecting them back and more...

In this second tutorial of Functions in Swift on iOS Scholar's Blog, we discuss shorthand for External Parameters, Default parameters, their implicit external parameter behaviour, Variable parameters to modify values of otherwise immutable function parameters and Inout Parameters to reflect the changes made to parameter values back in calling scope.

Functions in Swift with Multiple Return Types and External Parameters

Swift Functions - Multiple Return Types and External Parameters

Annotate Parameters, Returned Values and more...

Functions in Swift, Apple's new programming language, are extremely flexible and very powerful. They can return multiple values and external parameters can be used to label the parameters while invoking the functions.

for..< in Loop in Swift Programming Language

Iterating over Ranges, Collections and more

Swift, Apple's new programming language has a for loop construct, the loop. Check out the syntax complete with examples and explanation.

iOS 7 Design Themes - Description/Explanation for iOS Developers

Clarity, Depth and Deference

iOS 7 Design Themes - Description/Explanation for iOS Developers. This post discusses the design themes of iOS 7, the three pillars of Deference, Depth and Clarity.